1 & 2 Star Director Bonuses

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1 Star Director Monthly Bonus of $100

This bonus can be earned unlimited times until you achieve the next rank. To qualify for the bonus, you must make 3 partner sales in any combination during your first 30 days. The 1 Star Director Bonus is paid on the 31st day a partner is qualified as a 1 Star Director. As a partner qualifies, this bonus resets every 31 days.

2 Star Director Monthly Bonus of $750

This bonus can be earned unlimited times until you achieve the next rank.

A qualified 2 Star Director earns the 1500 Club Championship Ring.*

The 2 Star Director Bonus is paid on the 31st day a partner is qualified as a 2 Star Director. As a partner qualifies, this bonus resets every 31 days.

*A partner must hold the volume for 31 days and also personally sponsor someone during that same period to qualify for the ring.

Lifestyle Bonus

Enhance your Life

  • You must personally sell 100 CSV in a new business each month.
  • This bonus can be earned for an unlimited amount of times.
  • Must be qualified as a 3 Star Director or above for a minimum of 15 days the month prior to receiving the bonus.
  • Must be qualified as a 3 Star Director or above the last day of the month prior to receive the bonus.

3 Star Director $300
4 Star Director $400
Ambassador $500
1 Star Ambassador $600
2 Star Ambassador $700
3 Star Ambassador $800
4 Star Ambassador $900
5 Star Ambassador $1000
Presidential Ambassador $1200
Chairman $1500
Executive Chairman $1800