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About Us

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Why Travel?

The most commonly shared dream in the world is the dream of seeing & exploring the world. A lack of money is what keeps most from experiencing their dreams and creating the memories that last a lifetime. So we created the coolest travel club on the planet that can show almost anyone on any budget how they can immediately start realizing more out of life. Our model will disrupt the single largest industry in the world and challenge the “huge markup model” being run by the monolithic companies who currently control the space today. Most people who visit popular travel retail sites have NO IDEA how much they are overpaying. Through peer to peer marketing, Travorium will show people a better way to experience more out of life.

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Why Network Marketing?

Lifestyle is a function of having more TIME & MONEY. It seems most people today are starved of one or both of these resources. The Network Marketing industry teaches people from all walks of life how they can create sales and build a sales team starting with a part-time effort. Over time a person can build a home-based business that allows them to have more flexibility & time freedom. In short, some find it to be A Better Way to A Better Life.

David Hart

CEO & Founder

Our Story

Mr. David Hart is a true visionary leader who has been an entrepreneur since he was a teenager. In traditional business, Mr. Hart helped pioneer the mobile car washing industry in Southern California. In the early 1990s, Mr. Hart was voted as a runner up for Entrepreneur of the Year in Southern California by Inc Magazine for people under the age of 30.

In the late ’90s, Mr. Hart turned his focus to helping people transform their lives through the Direct Selling Industry. Mr. Hart set records at multiple companies and became a documented Top Earner helping countless people along the way. Although Mr. Hart had incredible success in Direct Selling he was unsatisfied with the status quo. In 2013, Mr. Hart started his own company determined to usher in a new model into the direct selling industry. A company that would bring unparalleled value to the consumer, while recognizing and paying its partners in unprecedented ways, very early in the plan.

Today, Mr. Hart has been a successful entrepreneur for over 3 decades and his vision has now spread to over 52 countries impacting people in a positive way all around the globe.

Mike Oliver

Director of Communication

Joshua Hart

V.P. Member Services

Justin Hart

V.P. Director of Operations

David Hart

CEO & Founder

Paulina Guzman

Customer Service Director